Show us how you grow with ZKBoost and win a donation to the charity of your choice

two flowepots with twenty dollar bills sticking out from the soil

It’s springtime here at ZKsciences and we couldn’t be happier to get planting!

We’d like to see how our ZKBoost plant growth enhancer does with your plants where you are! We want to see how ZKBoost helps you further your flowers, boost your blooms and vamp up your vegetables. So we’re announcing another contest for this season!

We’ll be picking the most impressive container plant grown with our ZKBoost plant growth enhancer over the 2023 growing season, and making a donation to the charity of that gardener’s choice. We’ll automatically enroll everyone who makes a ZKBoost purchase from the ZKsciences website – – and we’re offering 23% off ZKBoost for a limited time in celebration of spring. Just use the coupon code ZKSPRING2023 for your discount. That’s in addition to free shipping in the continental US and reduced price shipping to the rest of the US and to Canada for a limited time.

Make sure to send your ZKBoost plant photos and a description of the best plants you grow to to be eligible for our growing season contest. We’ll be choosing one lucky winner from the photos and updates we receive on September 15th, 2023.

Keep checking back here or follow ZKsciences on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for contest reminders and other news over the course of the 2023 growing season.

Thanks and happy planting with ZKBoost!

ZKBoost Spring 2023 Giveaway

Hands holding small plant in planting media

Updated April 14, 2023: Congratulations to all our lucky contest winners! We hope you enjoy your free package of ZKBoost plant growth enhancer!

If you weren’t a winner, we’re sorry! But we have a new contest and a ZKBoost discount. See details at

We at ZKsciences are happy to see spring coming just around the corner! As we enter the spring planting season, growers all across the US and Canada all look for ways to jumpstart their blooms and plants.

To add a little more excitement to your upcoming growing season, we’re giving away boxes of our ZKBoost plant growth enhancer to 5 randomly selected entrants to boost your container growing! Here’s your chance to enter to win your own box of ZKBoost, ready for use for container growing in loose growing media. Whether you’re growing flowers, tomatoes, peppers or something else, ZKBoost can help you see faster growth, bigger flowers and increased yields.

Enter to win your free ZKBoost using the form below. One entry per person permitted. Contest ends on April 7th, 2023 or at the discretion of ZKsciences. Good luck!

Note: this contest has ended but stay tuned for future giveaways!

The fine print

Contest open to residents of the United States and Canada only. No purchase is necessary to enter or win. Entrants sending multiple entries, or believed to be sending multiple entries, may have some or all entries discarded. Entries not giving permission for ZKsciences to contact for contest purposes will be discarded. No permission to contact for marketing purposes is required for entry or to win. Selection of winners will be carried out by random drawing by a representative of ZKsciences. Selection of winners is final.

Up to 5 winners will be selected. Winning entrants will be contacted by April 11th via the email provided and must provide to ZKsciences a valid shipping address via return email. Each winner will be provided with one 140 gram (4.9 ounce) box of ZKBoost, shipped to the winner free of charge to the address provided by the winning entrant. Shipping method to be at the discretion of ZKsciences. Selected winners who do not provide a valid shipping address within the United States or Canada by 5:00pm CDT April 14, 2023 may forfeit their prize. If a Canadian resident wins a prize, that person must also correctly answer, within a 5 minute time period, a mathematical skill-testing question without the benefit of any calculating devices, before the prize will be awarded.

Winners acknowledge that ZKsciences may contact winners from time to time to inquire about winners’ use of and experiences with ZKBoost.

ZKBoost now available for purchase in the US

Picture of ZKBoost plant media enhancer 420 gram size box

ZKsciences is happy to announce that our ZKBoost plant growth enhancer is now available for purchase in the United States.

Interested customers may purchase ZKBoost directly from the ZKsciences web store, or purchase from ZKBoost is available in small and medium sizes for home gardeners and professional cultivators with container grown plants.

Our patent-pending ZKBoost plant growth enhancer brings ZKsciences’ plant growth boosting technology to growers who are using higher porosity loose growing media including coconut coir, peat moss, container mixes such as Sunshine Mix and Pro-Mix, and coco-based and peat-based living soils. ZKBoost enhances nutrient availability to plant roots by boosting the grow media’s cation exchange capacity (CEC) – the ability for your growing media to provide macronutrients and micronutrients to your plants’ roots for uptake. ZKBoost regulates nutrient and moisture availability over the growing cycle to promote more healthy and vigorous plants and better growing results.

ZK GrowFactor: starting up large-scale trials

One of the first good challenges to hit ZKSciences came soon after we started seeing great results with the first of our engineered zeolites: how do we scale up our trials to get from neat anecdotes to statistically valid data? While some of us are skilled hobbyist gardeners, we knew we needed help in order to really know how much of an improvement the ZK GrowFactor™ family of zeolites offers over traditional natural zeolites.

After a long search, ZKSciences teamed up with InnoTech Alberta to design and run a large-scale trial of the ZK GrowFactor zeolites on cannabis plants. We’re proud to be working with InnoTech Alberta, who are leaders in industrial agricultural and cannabis research.

We had an important question to answer: how many plants does it take to run a statistically useful multi-variable research study? Over the field of several ZK GrowFactor zeolite family members, different levels of soil supplement with these zeolites, and different grow media (PRO-MIX® and traditional potting soil) – it turns out we needed a lot of plants! Almost 200, it turns out! And to get 200 good, useful plants one needs to germinate a lot of seedlings. Over 700 seedlings to make sure there are enough good seedlings for this ZK GrowFactor trial. That’s a lot of seedlings, as you can see here:

We’re excited to see what this trial tells us! Stay tuned for more information as our trials continue!

Seed funding and welcoming investors aboard

Exciting news! After a lot of discussion, getting to know each other, working with each other – and paperwork! – we can announce that Genesis Capital of Edmonton, Alberta has invested seed funding in ZKSciences and is joining the ZKSciences board of directors. Learn more at .

We’ve already been working with principals at Genesis – Kerry Brown and Josh Puchailo – throughout the summer and fall, and want to thank them for their help in refining our plans, our plant trials going on through the rest of the year and into the winter, and in helping us to validate the need and value of the soil amendment family we’ve developed. Now, we’re happy to be able to take the wraps off this news and formally welcome them to the ZKSciences team.

The ZK GrowFactor™ family of engineered zeolites represent a significant new frontier in soil amendment. In our trials to date, we’ve seen radical improvements in plant yields, in flower bloom quality, and in resistance to severe cold and low water conditions. Genesis’s investment is instrumental in facilitating our external, large-scale trials currently underway.

Stay tuned for more information! And if you’ll be at the Green Industry Show and Conference in Calgary next month, stop over at booth #1010 and say hello!

(C) Copyright 2017-2023 ZKsciences Incorporated. All rights reserved.